Information Guest Services & Amenities ATM ATM is located in Center Court and the Food Court. Event Space Space is available for organizations to host group meetings or other small events. Contact the Mall Office for more information at (601) 684-4828 or [email protected] Guest Services Wheelchairs – located at the Police Sub-Station Leasing For Leasing Information, Contact: Kaci Summey, Director of Leasing Phone: (817) 917-7988 Email: [email protected] For Specialty Leasing Information, Contact: Liz Kerwin, General Manager Phone: (601) 684-4828 Email: [email protected] Mall Walking Walkers are welcome to exercise daily. Mall doors open at 8:00 a.m. Monday – Saturday. Doors open at 11 a.m. on Sundays. 2.4 Full laps around the mall concourse equals 1 mile Office Contact the Mall Office at (601) 684-4828 Liz Kerwin, General Manager Phone: (601) 684-4828 Email: [email protected] Mall Policies Behavioral Code of Conduct To help ensure a pleasant shopping environment, we ask all visitors to refrain from the following: Using obscene language, obscene gestures, or racial, religious or ethnic slurs. Violence, threats of violence, fighting, physical abuse or physically or verbally threatening any person, or hostility of any kind. Annoying others through noisy or boisterous activities, unnecessary staring or following someone through the property and parking lot. Sexually explicit language or conduct. Yelling, screaming, singing, playing musical instruments, radios or other sound generating equipment , or otherwise communicating in a manner which creates noises of sufficient volume to impinge on the hearing or peace of other property patrons. Standing or stopping on stairs or escalators in such a manner as to impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. Improper use of escalators, elevators or stairs. Running, wrestling, horseplay, skating, skate boarding, rollerblading and/or riding a scooter; or otherwise being disruptive or creating a disturbance, obstructing or interfering with the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or with patron’s view of doorways, windows, and/or other merchant or property displays. Bicycles and Segways must be used in accordance with bicycle and vehicle safety rules. Assembling, demonstrating, parading, picketing, marching, walking abreast in groups and/or loitering for the purpose of disturbing the peace or any unlawful purpose, disrupting the shopping enjoyment of customers, or disrupting the intended business use of the property. Any form of solicitation, sales of products or services, or distributing handbills, leaflets, commercial advertising or promotional material of any kind or offering samples of items, which are sold, available for sale or available in exchange for a donation or contribution without prior written permission of property management. Engaging in any act, activity or behavior which by its nature is illegal and/or in violation of any statute, law, rule or ordinance. Attendance of children (under age 18) during school hours unaccompanied by a parent, teacher or legal guardian (excluding school holidays and home schooled students). Unaccompanied children ages 16-17 may produce proof of reduced school hours or completion thereof. Displaying or wearing any item which depicts sexually explicit activity, illegal activity or obscene or offensive language, wearing clothing or lack of clothing that is likely to create a disturbance or embroil others in open conflict or that offends community standards of decency, or that impinges on the sensitivities of others in the property. Failing to wear shoes and a shirt. Gang activity, including wearing of apparel intended to indicate gang membership or to communicate gang behavior. This includes the use of gang symbols or slogans. Creating litter by discarding paper, glass or other matter of any kind, anywhere except in a trash receptacle. Defacing, damaging, destroying or removing any real or personal property constituting part of or located in or on the property. Overnight parking, parking in non-designated parking areas, parking in fire lanes or other no parking areas, erratic or careless driving, exceeding the posted speed limit, or use of a vehicle in a manner inconsistent with shopping center traffic markings or signage. Parking violators may be subject to towing at the vehicle owner’s expense. Bringing animals on property with the exception of animals in the company of persons trained to assist physically challenged patrons, those animals going to or from pet stores or photography studios or involved in center sponsored events. Sitting anywhere or on anything other than chairs or benches designed for such purposes located in designated areas of the property or any improper use of amenities. Carrying or displaying weapons of any kind except those carried by certified law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties. Being intoxicated and/or possessing or being under the influence of illegal drugs. Possessing any open container of alcohol or consuming alcohol anywhere except in businesses licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. Selling or providing alcohol or tobacco products to underage persons; purchasing alcohol or tobacco products by underage persons. No fishing, swimming, or boating without prior written approval of shopping center management.This list is not all-inclusive and may be modified at any time by the management of this property. This property is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas. Violation of this code of conduct may result in expulsion from this property in addition to any other legal remedies that property management may choose to exercise. This shopping center is private property and no rights shall accrue to the public by virtue of the public ‘s entry into this center or on the property. This “Behavioral Code of Conduct” is not intended to deprive any person of their applicable civil rights or liberties under the law. If you feel your rights are being violated, please notify the management office. Youth Escort Policy – Fridays and Saturdays 6pm until close Uptown Meridian visitors under 18 years of age are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian 18 years or older at all times on Friday and Saturday evenings after 6pm Security will begin monitoring those entering the property at 6pm on Friday and Saturday evenings. Unescorted youth shopping prior to 6pm on Friday and Saturday evenings must leave the property by 6pm or be joined by a parent or guardian. Unescorted youth will be asked to leave the property after 6pm on Fridays and Saturdays. Individuals without personal transportation on Friday or Saturday night must schedule their departure time to ensure compliance with the Youth Escort Policy. Any person violating the posted Youth Escort Policy or Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the property. Individuals in violation of the Youth Escort Policy or the Code of Conduct who refuse to leave the property when requested to do so by mall security officers may be prosecuted for trespassing. Proof of age will be required if the age of the youth and/or parent(s) or guardian(s) is not easily determined. Those whose age cannot be determined and who lack identification will be asked to leave the property. Anyone appearing to be 18 years or younger should be prepared to show valid identification (with picture and date of birth). Acceptable identification includes a driver’s license, state or military identification card, passport or visa. Youth under 18 years of age working on property will be allowed access without a parent or guardian. Proof of work status will be required, and youth employees must go directly to the place of employment and must leave the property at the conclusion of their work shift if after 6pm on Friday and/or Saturday evenings. One parent, over 21 years of age, may escort all of his/her children. Additionally, one parent or guardian over 18 years of age may escort up to 3 youths, at least one of which must be the child of the parent or guardian. Parents or guardians are accountable for the actions of the youth they escort. If an escorted youth is banned from the center, the adult escort will also be banned for the same period of time. Uptown Meridian security personnel are responsible for enforcing this policy and related procedures. Uptown Meridian’s Youth Escort Policy is posted at all mall entrances. Suggested Safety Tips for Shopping Note your parking location. Remember to lock your car. If you’re shopping with family or friends, prearrange a place and a time to meet. Never leave children unattended. If your child wanders away, please contact mall security for assistance. Teach your children their full name….as well as yours. Carry a current photo of your child with you. Don’t leave packages or other personal property unattended. Guard your handbag, wallet and credit cards…don’t flash your cash. Always have keys in hand before you reach your car. Check your car from a distance to make sure no one is loitering near it. Always lock car doors as soon as you get inside. Always be aware of your surroundings. If you notice anything suspicious, report it to mall security. Never hesitate to ask for assistance.